08 / 10 / 2013

Bronze Arts Award at Lampton Academy

Lampton Academy is a training school which currently has around 1,350 students in Hounslow. In 2009 Ofsted highlighted Lampton as one of 12 outstanding schools serving disadvantaged communities in London.

11 at risk of becoming NEET 14 and 15 year old pupils were selected to take part in the Positive Arts 13 week Graffiti Art course.

The young people were given the opportunity to create professional pieces of Graffiti art and achieve the valuable Level 1 national qualification. The Positive Arts team helped students to explore and examine personal and social issues.  Students were encouraged to use their artistic skills to express their thoughts, feelings and experiences through Graffiti art.

As well as a main group work piece on boards, and the individual canvases to take home, as a record and reference to their attendance and attainment each participant created a documental portfolio of their artwork, including all their preparatory work e.g. digital photography, sketches, and ideas .

Through the group work process the Lampton students learnt lots of new artistic and interpersonal skills and were able to look at important issues in a relaxed environment. Each participant gained an increased awareness of their own situations, thinking and behaviour and improved self esteem.

7 out of the 11 course starters were awarded with the Level 1 Arts Award. Huge congratulations to all who achieved a pass!


