We have just finished a huge mural on the two Jubilee Bridge underpass walls in central Croydon. The theme was to designed to tie in with the redevelopment of Wandle Park and featured illustrations of all the wildlife that can be found by the river Wandle. The project was intiated by COBA (Croydon Old Town Business Association) and the money came from the Mary Portas Fund. We had an overwhelmingly positive response from the locals especially those who have to the underpass everyday. It was clear that we had made a huge difference to their eveyday lives by making a dark threatening space a pleasure to walk through. Here are just some of the positive comments we recieved:
“It hasnt looked so good since they put it up”
“It makes a huge difference. Before it was dark, grubby and scary but now its a pleasure to walk through”
Thanks for making my life brighter”
“I can now officially use my underpass”
“The Wandle Mural is fantastic. It has made such a difference and make walking through the tunnel, which I do most days, a much more pleasant experience. The artwork is really beautiful, colourful and informative. Thanks to all who helped do this”
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